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After Care for Laser Hair Removal

After your Laser Treatments Hair Removal 

• Aloe vera gel, or frozen gel packs applied immediately post treatment cool the skin and are very soothing 

* Redness and peri-follicular edema (looks like a rash or bug bite) are common and resolve with time 

• Avoid sun exposure, and use a broad spectrum (UVA/UVB) sunscreen 

• Bruising, redness, and swelling are less common and resolve with time 

• If a blister develops, treat as a wound 

* Hair may take up to 2 weeks to fall out 

• Do not pick at treated areas 

• Avoid heat (hot tubs, saunas, etc.) for 1-2 days 

• Avoid skin irritants (products containing tretnoin, retinol, benzoyl peroxide, glycolic/salicylic acids, astringents, etc.) a few days post treatment. 

* Do not wax or pluck between treatments Treatment intervals (a general guideline, use technicians recommendations): Facial Hair: 4-6 week intervals between treatments Body Hair: 8-12 week intervals between treatments Back or Leg Hair: 10-12 week intervals between treatments To maximize hair response, it is often best to space the treatments further apart. If you have any concerns or questions, please contact us at 778-657-6900 or email info@timelesslaserclinic.ca